Magic Thumb Books

About the Author

I was born in Roanoke, VA, while my parents were visiting my mother’s family during the Thanksgiving Holiday.  At that time, my father (a young Navy Lieutenant Commander) was stationed at Norfolk, VA’s, Naval Base.  Like so many military families, we relocated a few times before he made the decision to retire early.  He subsequently transitioned to a career in Marine Supply Sales with several companies.  Thus, I spent my childhood and teenage years living up and down the East Coast from Connecticut to North Carolina as well as a short time in the Mid-West, Michigan and Illinois.  Eventually, my parents established their home in Virginia Beach,VA.  In the meantime, I began my college freshman year at Meredith College in Raleigh, NC.  I cherished my time in Raleigh as it allowed me to form enduring friendships, make lasting memories, and earn a B.S. degree in Biology.  This journey propelled me into a diverse career path, first as a Quality Control Lab Supervisor for Lombart Lenses in Norfolk, VA, and later as a Sales Representative for the Department Store Division of Revlon Cosmetics and Fragrances.

After dedicating 11 years to a career in the cosmetics industry, I transitioned into my most fulfilling role – becoming a mother.  At the age of 3, my son Garrett was diagnosed with autism, which forever transformed me as both a mother and caregiver.  Consequently, my husband Ron and I dedicated a good portion of our time exploring ways to best nurture and navigate Garrett’s future.  Over the past four to five years, we’ve been deeply engaged in supporting Garrett as he copes with his recent diagnosis of P.O.T.S. (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome). While we are making some strides, Garrett’s condition currently restricts him from traveling and limits his activities to within our home.

Fortunately, with the invaluable assistance of two dedicated attendants, my husband and I can now enjoy day trips locally and longer outings to the Virginia Eastern Shore.  This also provides Garrett with quality time spent with his companions whom he cherishes as friends.

Personal Interests:

Aside from caregiving, I balance my time at home working as an accountant for our family business, authoring children’s books, and pursuing interests outside the home such as writing, floral design, gardening, tending to backyard wildlife, and maintaining my active involvement as a former president of The Council of Garden Clubs of Virginia Beach, VA.

My Motivation and Inspiration:

My motivation to become an author came from experiences that touched my heart in a ways that are unexplainable.  Whether it’s the example of a loving connection between a grandmother and grandchild, the smile on a child’s face when they ride a bike without falling down, or an unexpected gift when the giver really understands your needs, I am left forever touched by the magic of these simple, meaningful gestures. 

Inspiration for the perfect word can strike unexpectedly, even during my morning shower, compelling me to quickly write it down.  Sometimes it comes from experiencing a great loss.  In my case, my mom’s passing four years ago  catapulted me into action to finish my manuscript.  And now the dream, The Boy with the Magic Thumb, has become reality.  It is a story that honors her love and mine for our most precious gift – my son, Garrett.

Book Launch Dates and Locations:

Thursday, October 12th, 2023 @ Meredith College, Raleigh, NC

Saturday, December 9th, 2023 @ Banner Hallmark,